
Abdominal Pains

Abdominal Pain History Abdominal Pain History

Table of Contents

  1. Example
  2. Example2
  3. Third Example
  4. Fourth Example



Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Some paragraph
    1. Sub paragraph
  3. Another paragraph

This is the introduction <a name="introduction"></a>

Some introduction text, formatted in heading 2 style

Some paragraph <a name="paragraph1"></a>

The first paragraph text

Sub paragraph <a name="subparagraph1"></a>

This is a sub paragraph, formatted in heading 3 style

The second paragraph text

CC Site: where? Does it radiate anywhere else? Onset: first time? when? Sudden\gradual? Continuous\intermittent? Getting better\worse? Duration: how long does it last? Timing: specific time of day\night? How frequent? Character of pain: sharp, dull, cramping? Character of stool: Amount? Watery? Blood? Mucous? Greasy\difficult to flush? Relieving\aggravating factors: certain foods (gluten, lactose)? Medication? Severity: 1-10 scale? Wakes you up from sleep? Interfering w\ ADL? Food hx: recent suspect food? Food poisoning? Associated sx: Constitutional: fever, wt loss, loss of appetite, night sweats, chills? GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea\constipation, N\V, heartburn, jaundice? GU: dysuria, hematuria? Anemia: fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, headache? IBS: relieved after defecation, abdominal pain, diarrhea\constipation, flatulence\bloating, associated with stress\spicy food\menstruation? IBD: bloody diarrhea, rash, mouth ulcer, joint pain? PMHx: Diseases: Chronic ds (HTN, DM, DLP) GI ds Medications: NSAIDs, abx, laxatives, herbals Surgery, hospitalization, trauma Blood transfusions, IV drug use, tattoos Allergies FMHx: Similar complaint? Same diseases as in PMHx? Social Hx: Occupation, marital status, children? Smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs? Travel Hx, contact with sick pts Diet, exercise

Abdominal Physical Exam

WIPE, blah blah 🙂 “Take vital signs” Position: flat, arms on the side, pillow below the head Proper exposure: from xiphoid to mid-thigh General inspection of the pt and surrounding

Third Example

Peripheral signs: Nails: Capillary refill Clubbing Cyanosis Koilonychia Leukonychia Hands: Palmar erythema Pulse Tremor Arms: Purpura BP Eyes: Pallor Jaundice Mouth: Central cyanosis Dry mucous membrane Dental hygiene Ulcers Neck: JVP Lymphadenopathy Abdomen inspection: (stand at the end of the bed) Symmetry and contour Abdominal distention + flank fullness Scars, skin changes\discoloration, rashes, straie Obvious masses or swelling Dilated veins\caput medusa Visible pulsations Umbilicus (inverted\everted?) Hernias (ask pt to cough) Palpation + percussion: (ask pt if they have any pain? Be at the level of the pt’s abdomen) Superficial and deep: “abdomen soft and lax, no tenderness, no masses” Liver span (6-12 cm) Gallbladder (Murphy’s sign) Spleen (turn the pt towards you -normally non-palpable!) Kidneys Bladder Ascites: shifting dullness + fluid thrill Auscultation: Bowel sounds Bruits: Aortic, renal, femoral To complete: Digital rectal exam (PR) Genital exam Fecal occult blood test

Stigmata of chronic liver disease:

Clubbing Leukonychia Palmar erythema Dupuytren’s contracture Scratch marks Astrexis Parotid enlargement Gynecomastia Caput medusa Ascites Splenomegaly Testicular atrophy LL edema

Another paragraph <a name="paragraph2"></a>

Fourth Example

How to differentiate between a renal mass vs a splenic mass on physical exam?

Spleen Kidney Can’t get above it Can get above it Has a notch Round, no notch Moves w\ resp (towards Rt iliac fossa) Ballotable Dull on percussion Resonant on percussion