ApexMDAssessment of the Critically Ill Patient
- Pts. usually show signs of deteriorating organ function days before organ failure actually develops
- If these signs are picked up and acted upon, the need for organ support may be prevented ==> reduced morbidity
- The greater your physiological reserve, the later these signs develop, thus have a low threshold of suspicion in the young
- Signs can form part of an early warning score to both alert and trigger action by the admitting / ITU outreach team
Signs include :
- HR > 90, <50 bpm
- SBP < 90 mmHg
- RR < 8, > 20 per min.
- Temp < 36, > 38 deg C
- GCS < 15 or AVPU
- (Awake, responds to Voice, Pain, Unresponsive)
- UO < 0.5ml/kg/hr
- O2 sats in air < 94%
- Get increased score for each sign depending on degree of perturbation from normal
Respiratory Status
- Assess for evidence of airway compromise
- Resting respiratory rate > 25 is the most sensitive indicator of physiological compromise
- Confusion also early sign of significant physiological compromise
- CURB-65 score useful for pts with pneumonia / Sepsis :
- Confusion
- elevated Urea
- Respiratory rate
- low Blood pressure
- age > 65 yrs