Gareth Lees-West

fun remote activity- collaborative drawing

This activity is intended to get people quickly working together with a set goal with a focus on fun, teams are formed to draw an animal or object together within a collaboration tool, with the limitations of time, working on one part each and communicating only via chat or within the collaboration tool itself.


Decide roughly how may teams, aiming for teams of 5/6. Form some canvases via your remote tool of choice, giving people a space to draw in. Something like:
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Add the rules next to the canvases:

  • This is a silent activity
  • Work with your team to draw the animal
  • You can only work on one body part each (Body part= Leg, Arm, Head, torso, tail, etc).

1- Ask attendees to name some animals, be it be adding stickies to your chosen board or via your video calling chat function.

2- Form teams per canvas- eg For two teams, first named people A-M, N- Z.

3- Read through the rules and ensure everyone understands the rules/constraints.

4- Start a timer for 4 minutes. Watch the fun.

5- Ask people to vote for their favoured creation.

Here's an example from an agile Australia circles event

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