Gareth Lees-West

January 2023: This was not written by ChatGTP.

January 2023, short thoughts.

I've had somewhat of a lull in my blog writing of late.

Over the last few months with the recent launch and popularity of ChatGPT I've started to see various prompts on the internet to shortcut this process many promising to shortcut the blogging process with titles like "How to write blog posts with ChatGPT".

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Why do I write blogposts.

Much like taking notes on a course, workshop or meeting, I find blog writing helps me gain clarity in my thinking, organise my thoughts, memorise and build my knowledge. I use a tool called collected notes which provides a very simple interface. I cannot see how many people have read what I write, nor can anyone comment. Its a simple way for me to collect my thoughts. Sometimes I use my posts to submit conference submissions, input into my work with organisations. It's a learning practice in the same way an AI learns, my own ChatGPT.

Would I use ChapGPT to write a blog?

For me, short-cutting the act of blog writing would be counter-intuitive given why I do it.

Whilst I understand some use cases for using AI to rework your text, the nature of digital content being increasingly short-form, AI for content creation serves as another barrier to my own learning, this for me doesn't work well with my lazy side.

ChatGPT probably would have written this better, but I chose to instead.