gastΓ³n mira

Let's have a website

For this version of my web

For this version, I use the coming-soon starter from itstechupnorth. I will put this in the footer of the web.


Welcome to my first post here at collected notes. I'm an android dev, but I wanted to start knowing other technologies. And I think a good idea is to start learning React and because of this, I'm going to develop my own resume on a website (Is it called like this now? πŸ€” ). Here you will see the status of the project, I don't know if I'm going to complete it but I will do my best. After finishing this project I will add collected notes to the site 😁. Also is a good way to practice my writing in English.

To-do list

  • Have a domain. I decide to go with, I need to buy it.
  • Get a hosting to "host" the site. I'm going to choose one from Argentina. Any ideas? Update 06/09/2020: I have hosting thanks to Bee web hosting really simple & quick to configure.
  • Have a design. I thought this was going to be one of the hardest parts, I'm so bad designing, but I could find one design to follow.
  • Decide Tech stack. Which tools I'm going to use to develop the site? I have some in mind that I will describe below.
  • Add GraphQL to retrieve data from an API created by me? Maybe this is something that I can do after I have running the 1.0 version. This is other topic I would love to learn.

Tech Stack

  • React. Is this necessary or I just said something wrong? 🀨🀨
  • Gatsby or create-react-app . From what I've been reading this is a great tool to develop static sites and this video help a lot to decide When Should You Use Gatsby? . I think I will choose Gatsby.

From now, I don't think I need more frameworks. Maybe when I'm moving forward in the project I will need to add more. If this happens I will update this note.


The MVP for this project will be to have my resume in with static data. No retrieve data from any API.

Version 1.0

  • Design.
  • Static data.
  • React & Gatsby learned. ❀️😍
  • Desired: Continuous Deployment. I don't know why yet. But I will see.

I will need help with this, so I hope you can help me If I asked something on my Twitter gastonmdq. The next note will be about how to configure Gatsby.

Update: 06/09/2020. I have the domain and hosting! 😍❀️