
#Enterprise Architects as key role in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is having a top place in business plan these days. Most companies know that transforming the company is a key to achieve their goals.

Traditional companies that try to emulate digital natives just copy their business and operating model but often they don't have the proper technology. As a result, this transformation process needs to be guided by some key tech roles.

##Enterprise Architects as digital enablers

Enterprise Architects acts as enablers between business and executives. They must bring the long-term vision to the executives and be part of the business plan design, helping in the alignment between the vision and business. EA must analyze new technologies and calculates how we will impact on the business. They are leaders and are responsible for the transformation success.

Enterprise architects must keep the alignment between technology, governance, process and business. Interacting with IT and non IT stakeholders.

Besides, another relevant aspect is that related with the investment. They must be able to understand and estimates how the transformation investment resources will be driven. They must promote the adoption of new technologies taking into account the budget and how will impact in the business in mid-long term.

##The transformation never ends The transformation is never completed, that is a common phrase, but is 100% real. This journey is a never-ending continuous process. In which is crucial for the enterprise architects to be updated with the technology trends.

Today IA, ML, cloud computing, blockchain, crypto currencies and quantum computing are changing all the industries. Regardless of the kind of business or how digital is the company we must take quickly and carefully thinking decisions.

##Agile and time to market culture Enterprise architects must have (or should have at least) some key skills. They should have the time to market mindset in the top. Time is determining in all type of business. The organizations should have maturity, knowledge and well-design processes to drive his business daily. An Agile culture is decisive to achieve the goals. EA should know how to dive in those scenarios.

Some predictions says this year more than 50% of organizations will adopt enterprise architects to design their business transformations embracing new technologies.

We are living changing times and, companies are like boats sailing convulse oceans.

The world is running continuous transformation and all of us need to be prepared to predict and act fast. Enterprise architects have a strategic role to play in this context and companies that adopt this position will take a significant advantage over the others.