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How to Update TomTom Map for Free

TomTom maps are among one of the best companies that will provide you with the best GPS devices that are being widely used by people in the world. These devices are very effective for visitors who want to travel to different places.

With the TomTom device, you will be able to get the instructions for driving by showing your location. There are the updates for the TomTom GPS that are going to update the users with the road changes and are also going to fix other bugs as well. If you are searching for how to Update TomTom Map for free, then you need to go through this guide.

You will be getting all your queries resolved today regarding updating the TomTom maps for free.

Let us now see how to update the TomTom maps:

Download or update the TomTom home software:

If you want to keep your device up to date, then you need to update the software of TomTom Home.

There are times when you have to open the software of TomTom home. If you are a windows user, then you are going to find this option in the start menu and if you are a mac user, then you’re going to find it in the folder named applications.

See whether you have TomTom home software in your system or not. If you do not have it in your system, then you need to download it. If you have it in your system, then you need to update it.

Latest map guarantee for TomTom Maps:

When you purchase the device by TomTom, then for a certain period of time, you will be provided with the download of the updates. By this process you will be able to get all the latest updates.

If you have the Go series, then you will be having 30 days that will help you download all the pated information. If you have bought a device from the PRO series, then you are going to get At least 90 days’ order to download the updated information.

If you see that you have bought the device from the PRO series, then you are going to get 90 days in order to download the updated information.

If you are facing any issues and are not able to update TomTom Map, then you can get in touch with our experts. They will provide you with the best solutions!

almost 3 years ago

Adam Smith