Dan Zajdband

Tuiter 0.1.0

I’ve been working on this node.js twitter library called Tuiter (That’s how Twitter sounds in spanish). I think it’s mature enough to release the first stable version of the module.


For usage and installation steps you can go to the README. This are the most important features:

  • All API methods available (for Search, REST and Streaming APIs)
  • Params preprocessing: Locations as {lat: num, long:num } arrays, allow array params
  • API HTTP Error handling
  • Paging for REST API
  • Custom results for Search API


Few weeks ago I deployed a demo on Heroku using Tuiter, Google Maps, Socket.IO and ExpressJS. This is just an example of the power of the twitter Streaming API. Can’t wait to see your own demos/apps!

State of the art

I’m working on automatic reconnection for the Streaming API calls for a next version. Another feature I want to add is the possibility to filter by location names (like “Buenos Aires” or “Asia” instead of bounding boxes).

Stay tuned.