An app is composed typically, of a UI and State.
Most bugs are caused because there is a problem with a state. To manage the state better, Redux offers to have a State Tree. That means to have a group of states instead to have states spread in all components.
Benefits of the State tree
Shared cache
Predictable State Changes
Improved developer tooling
Pure functions
Server Rendering
The store has four parts
The state
Get the state (how do we get the state)
Listen (listen if there is a change in the state)
Update the state (Update the state on the UI)
function createStore( ) {
let state
let listeners = []
const getState = ()=> state
const subscribe = (listener) => {
return () => {
listeners = listeners.filter((l)=> l !== listener)
return {
const store = createStore()
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
In order to represent these events, we’ll use plain old JavaScript objects but re-brand them as “actions”.
const action = {
type: 'LIKE_TWEET',
id: 950788310443724800,
uid: 'tylermcginnis'
Note that actions must have a type property to specify, well, the “type” of action which is occurring.