At KDA, we like fixed economies. We think BTC got that right and ETH got that wrong. However, we also like long-term economic planning, which ETH got right with it's infinite supply/inflation, and BTC is gonna have trouble with in the 2020's. So, how do we as a new project rectify the situation? We decided to have a fixed economy that was modeled out for 120 years -- so we have the best parts of BTC and ETH without the drawbacks. The one drawback on our economic model is that people need to think for a minute... which is mostly a PR problem.

In general, until crypto swallowed the theme of POS-or-Bust, having a fixed supply of tokens in a system where inflation wasn't centrally controlled was ample scarcity. It was only with the advent of POS, wherein any non-staked tokens would lose value quickly, did the notion of additional/imposed/artificial scarcity become a virtue that projects signaled. In the end, I feel that this scarcity signaling was more about trying to find some fundamental to pin "we will 10x in 1 year" claims to as a differentiator vs something valuable to add to the fundamental economy. While the scarcity signally may work in favor of token returns in the short term, in the long term it may have it's own problems derived from the over complication.

to be blunt, the narrative that "gas needs to be expensive otherwise the coin is worthless" is Stockholm Syndrome. It's what the community tells itself instead of facing the reality: ETH has and forever will fail to scale, and that will fundamentally limit how much ETH can grow. In my opinion, ETH's pretty closed to maxed out growth wise and ETH2.0 is still a nonsensical fantasy that the ETH holders from genesis tell the masses to keep the price up. Somewhere earlier, you mentioned if gas is cheap I'll run all my computations for free on KDA to which I have 2 comments: 1. Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled DeFi masses yearning to breathe for free 2. Smart contracts aren't for everything and the amount of gas in a single computation is still limited. Free gas doesn't make computations run faster or longer on a blockchain, and neither does KDA's sharding... we can just run so many in parallel that there's never congestion.(edited)

We're friends with multiple DeFi Projects, all of whom are actively researching what's next because they've gotten the message that ETH2 is a lie and DeFi could die if a solution isn't found soon. It's nutty to me that a DeFi project in prod on ETH, that's actually making money on their product, spends between 50%-150% of their revenue on F*ING gas costs.

almost 3 years ago
