Rosie Fox

Everything You Need To Start Practising Yoga

Of all the low-impact exercises to choose from, yoga is among the most beneficial. Excellent for keeping your body happy and healthy, hatha yoga comprises meditation, breathing techniques and physical postures, also known as āsanas. What started thousands of years ago as a set of spiritual development practices, by today’s standards, the purpose of this ancient discipline is primarily to build strength, improve flexibility and create mental clarity and calmness. 

There are various ways to begin practising yoga, including joining a local class where you can meet like-minded individuals and be guided by a qualified instructor. Alternatively, you could simply purchase a yoga mat and follow along with an online video tutorial in the comfort of your own home. Either way, here is everything you need to get started. 

Yoga Mat

The first thing you will need to begin your yoga practice is a good-quality yoga mat. Typically made from PVC, yoga mats are designed to provide a stable base whilst protecting your joints from the floor below. Yoga mats are tacky to the touch, so you can deepen your stretches without worrying about slipping. You can also purchase eco-friendly yoga mats made from natural cork or sustainably-harvested rubber. 

Yoga Block

There are many uses for a yoga block. Made from foam or cork, a yoga block can help you increase your range of motion and deepen your stretches by effectively raising the floor. You might also wish to use a yoga block for support in restorative and Yin yoga poses. Furthermore, yoga blocks make this incredibly beneficial practice accessible to individuals with limited mobility and injuries. 

Yoga Strap

A yoga strap is an excellent tool if the purpose of your practice is to increase your flexibility. You can use a yoga strap to help you stretch or to hold certain poses like Natarajasana (dancer’s pose) or Janu Sirsasana (head-to-knee bend). A non-elastic cotton or nylon strap may be particularly helpful for beginners who require a little extra help in achieving deep stretches and alignment. 

Reusable Water Bottle

Hydration is vitally essential for any form of physical activity. Dehydration during exercise can lead to decreased performance, changes in blood pressure and even injury. Keep your fluid levels up and maintain optimal hydration by sipping from an insulated reusable water bottle. You might want to fill your bottle with a sports drink to replenish glucose and electrolytes; however, this may not be necessary for gentle Hatha yoga. 

Appropriate Clothing

Comfort is the primary stipulation for yoga wear. As long as you wear something comfortable, breathable and flexible, you should have no issues. However, many yoga practitioners choose yoga or pilates wear that is stretchy and figure-hugging, ideal for vinyasa flow or any similarly high-energy practice. For calm, restorative Yin yoga or meditation, you may prefer activewear that provides a little more warmth. 

Towel or Blanket

Most Hatha yoga sessions finish with Shavasana, also known as corpse pose, which helps the body return to its regular functioning following exercise, helping you cool down and aiding recovery. You might become chilly during this period, so it may be worth packing a towel or soft blanket into your gym bag. Furthermore, a folded towel or blanket can be used similarly to a yoga block and provide extra cushioning for sensitive knees.

Foam Roller

A foam roller can be used as part of self-myofascial release to relieve inflammation and muscular tension, thus, increasing your range of motion and mobility. Foam rolling could also significantly reduce your recovery time by increasing oxygen-rich blood flow to sore muscles, so you can continue improving your flexibility in comfort without risking injury. Use your foam roller before and after your yoga sessions, rolling each muscle group for around one minute for maximum benefits. 

Scented Candles Or Incense 

Yin yoga and meditation can help you achieve a deep state of relaxation and a sense of being grounded in the present moment. Therefore, eliminating distractions and creating a calming environment is vital to a wholesome session. If you’re practising yoga at home, you may wish to prep your space by decluttering, opening a window for ventilation and lighting some scented candles or incense to create a wonderfully soothing sensory experience. 

about 1 year ago

Rosie Fox