Rosie Fox

How to Keep Your Bin from Smelling Bad

Nobody likes the smell of a bin that hasn't been emptied in a while. It's a smelly, unpleasant reminder that it's time to take out the trash. Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce bad odours and keep your bin from smelling bad. 

Keep it clean

One of the most important steps in keeping your bin from smelling bad is to make sure it is kept clean. Empty it regularly so that rubbish isn’t left sitting in the bin for too long and start to rot or attract flies and other bugs. You should also give the bin a good scrub down with hot, soapy water every week or so to get rid of any bacteria or residue that could be causing a smell. Make sure you use a brush or sponge to get into any hard-to-reach places. Rinse it thoroughly when you are done and leave it to air dry before using it again.

Don't put these things in your bin

  • Food scraps - While some food scraps can be composted, they don't belong in your bin. As the food decomposes, it can create an unpleasant smell and attract unwanted pests.
  • Greasy items - Greasy items, such as cooking oil or fat, are best disposed of in other ways. If put into a bin, the grease can seep through the liner and cause an odour.
  • Dairy products - Dairy products, such as milk and cheese, are notorious for producing bad smells in bins. Try to find other ways to dispose of these items.
  • Strongly scented items - Strongly scented items, such as perfumes and aftershaves, will make your bin smell even worse. If you need to dispose of these products, try to find another way to do it.
  • Pet waste - Pet waste should never be put in a bin. Not only will it create an unpleasant smell, but it can also attract pests such as rats and maggots.


A great way to help stop your bin from smelling bad is to ventilate it. The more air that can move through the bin, the less likely it is that odours will build up. If you have an outdoor bin, make sure there is plenty of space around it for air to move. If your bin is kept indoors, then make sure the lid is opened regularly and there is good airflow in the room. Additionally, putting a tray or a piece of cardboard at the bottom of the bin can help to provide some extra airflow and reduce odour buildup.


Deodorising your bin is an easy way to keep it smelling fresh. There are many different ways to do this, depending on what type of bin you have.

For a plastic bin, you can use white vinegar, baking soda or a bio enzyme cleaner. White vinegar will kill off any bacteria and help to neutralize any odors, while baking soda and enzyme cleaner will absorb the smell and keep your bin smelling fresh. Simply sprinkle either one inside the bin, leave for a few minutes, and then sweep out. You can also mix them together in equal parts for a more effective solution.

Use a bin liner

Using a bin liner is an essential step in keeping your bin from smelling bad. Bin liners are usually made of plastic or paper and help to keep any liquid or messy waste contained inside. They can also act as a barrier between the bin and the rubbish, preventing smells from seeping out. It’s important to make sure that you use the right size of bin liner for your bin – too small and it won’t fit, too big and it won’t stay in place. Try to buy bin liners that have been tested for strength and durability and always choose ones with a tight-fitting lid to keep smells contained. If you’re worried about protecting the environment, try to find biodegradable bin liners or switch to reusable fabric liners that can be washed regularly. Remember to take the liner out of your bin when it’s full and tie it off before disposing of it, otherwise, the smell will linger.


over 1 year ago

Rosie Fox