Foster Season 1: Opening Ceremony Prompts
What over the past year has made you angry about this world? What is not fair?
The same stuff as every year: Injustices. The USA's special brand of capitalism and white supremacy and how it cleaves an already unjust world. Rich or right wing leaders in the rest of the world making decisions that continue to destruct the only planet we were born able to live on. A lack of empathy towards our fellow humans and the different worlds we (metaphorically) live in.
What worries you most about the future? What change would you like to see?
That things won't ever change for the better (in a hypothetical future)? I would like to see improving education (about things that actually do matter - economics and science, but also art and therapy and self-expression) and free healthcare, so that human beings don't have to spend so much of their time in an endless aspirational spiral. I would like us as humanity to shift from focusing so much on buying stuff to working on ourselves, our communication, our reflexes, undoing generational and cultural patterns of harm to ourselves and those around us, and in turn, to the planet.
What excites you about the future?
I have a move coming up - so being in a new space and surroundings and building something cool from it. Life is so long and full and I have so much love and support around me, I feel finally in a good space (and not expecting it all to fall away any second like I used to).
Is there something that doesn’t make sense to you? Maybe it’s even a bit funny?
Sci-fi and horror as movie genres. Why do we need these weird shells of concepts to understand humanity when in fact reality is so much more nuanced and interesting?
What do you need to grieve about from the past year?
Both my grandfathers passing away. It hits me all the time when I expect it least.
What would be embarrassing to write about?
Nothing really - isn't that what being human (and having a sense of humour) is all about?
When did you fall in love with a new activity, a new person, or a new job? Why did you fall in love with this?
This morning, I had a moment of pure love for myself. After self-flagellating (in my thoughts) for so many years, it felt incredibly refreshing. I think it has everything to do with putting meditation into practice, eating for pure pleasure, and having the endless, unflinching support of my husband, who makes me feel valued, worthy, interesting and beautiful every day, and reminds me that there's absolutely no reason to swim in deep dark pools of social creation (e.g. be humble, be hungry) when being and believing in myself is all I need.
What wisdom did you gain this year and how did you gain it?
See above.