
FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Where you can find me?:

How to coordinate and book a session ?:

  • Write me an email at
  • We can talk, to understand what is the best type of help for your current process.
  • If you have any questions. Get in touch with me. Pre-service consultations are free of charge.
  • In the case of reports. Once the session was confirmed, he delivered the report in 72 business hours.

What services am I offering?

Spiritual Mentoring Sessions:

  • I offer my temporary guide, seeking to provide tools that you can use on your own and be your own guide.
  • Allowing you to see and live from another level of consciousness. The experience you are going through. To bring Light and order to your life. And you can manifest the greatest possible well-being.
  • Possible themes: Spiritual awakening. Twin Flame Process. Emotional conflicts. Entities and processes for the co-creation of new cycles.
  • I will accompany you focusing my energies, to bring Light to illuminate your process.
  • The contact will be by email.

Akashic Reformation:

  • It is a powerful process of reformation and liberation of energies and/or patterns. Working on healing and repairing the causes that make it difficult to live fully. Clearing the way so you can keep moving forward and put your life into action. This works with 5th dimension tools. Generating processes of healing, forgiveness, letting go, and quantum unification. Between the past (causes) and its effects (present or future). Like any vital transformation process, it is a process that originates from the client.


The Oracles I use:

  • I Ching
  • Tarot, The New Oracle of Delphi

1 consultation with an oracle of your choice

  • You can choose to use the I Ching, or the Tarot. To do the reading of the answer that is available to you.
  • In the case of the I Ching this implies the complete response (the response hexagram, the mutant hexagram if there is one, and the interpretation)
  • In the case of the Tarot, the answer consists of 3 cards, and occasionally if more clarity is needed. Cards are added to have the greatest possible clarity and the interpretation of the reading.
  • A simple report is delivered only focused on the question asked.

Akashic and Tarot + I Ching records reports:

  • An extensive report is delivered. This covers a summary of your life path, in the consulting area. Includes 1 answer from the I Ching, and 2 answers from the Tarot
  • If you do not know which areas to consult. Some example areas could be: Links and relationships. Profession. General. Spiritual evolution. Twin flames.
  • The report includes: The hexagrams of the I Ching. Photos of the Tarot cards. The interpretation of the message of the Oracles. And my message to guide and assist you. From what I can read in the Akasha, from the messages that are available to you.
  • This report is sent by email.

Charge for my services


I am currently accepting PayPal as a means of payment

Link for tips and donations:

Donation model

I offer all my services in the form of a gratitude donation. I feel that every contribution that you can make always comes from love and gratitude for my service. And that is why that contribution, I receive and accept with infinite love and gratitude.

This concept is based on a 5th Dimensional paradigm of infinite abundance. Thank you very much adored sister @LaLuminista for giving words to the record that she had within me.

over 3 years ago

Nykos Blue Lykos