
About Security Code Review

Identifying Security flaws in source code and how Play Framework can help


I had the opportunity to work some years ago in a startup from NYC offering (at the moment) automated security assessment, acting as a security rating platform. It was interesting to learn about the multiple sources of security flaws that a software product may have.

I was lately learning more about how to find security flaws in source code, from well known sources, like OSWAP and MITRE. Here are some of my notes (including some short guidance on how Play Framework may help to address them, in some cases), mostly based on what I did internally for my current job.


Both OSWAP and MITRE maintains a list of top security risks that are found in source code:

In general, the risks listed above can be addressed with the following coding practices:

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Top Web Application Security Risks

Here are the Top 10 Web Application Security Risks and how these can be addressed (just general approaches).


Happens when an attacker can send hostile data to an interpreter.

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Broken Authentication

Issues in authentication and session management opens doors for attackers to gain access to valid sessions and credentials.

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Sensitive data Exposure

Happens when non encrypted data is in transport (maybe from server to browser, when attacker inspects the transport layer) or in rest (if attacker gain access to storage).

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XML External Entities

Happens when old (or poorly) configured XML processors processes external (untrusted) XML entities.

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Broken Access Control

Happens when access control (role-based restrictions for authenticated users) are poorly configured.

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Security Misconfiguration

Happens when security configuration is not complete, done ah-hoc, or using defaults.

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Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Happens when a web page can include (untrusted) user supplied data can be used to render HTML/JS dynamically, allowing an attacker to act on behalf of the current user.

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Insecure Deserialization

Happens when untrusted serialized data is sent to be deserialized in a secure context.

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Using components with Known Vulnerabilities

Happens when libraries and/or frameworks with known vulnerabilities are not upgraded or replaced, allowing attackers to gain access taking advantages of these vulnerabilities.

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Insufficient Logging or Monitoring

Happens when Alerts / Logs / Monitoring not properly configured hides attacker actions on a compromised system.

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Resources and References