Renzo Barrios

FCC Frontend Library Projects

All FreeCodeCamp library projects but made with vanilla javascript

Why? At the time of this project I didn't know how to use any Javascript framework like react or vue, but I wanted to practice javascript and I had no ideas for projects to use, so I completed these challenges with vanilla javascript and then in a future I will do it again with some framework and see the difference in workflow.

Who? Each challenge has rules that must be passed in order to complete the challenge.

What challenges?

Random Quote Machine 👁

needs some inspiration , this is going to motivate you.


  • Generate random quotes.
  • click quote to copy to clipboard.
  • Button to tweet the quote chosed directly. Demo

Markdown Previewer

A simple markdown previewer 📖


  • Generate random quotes.
  • click quote to copy to clipboard.
  • Button to tweet the quote chosed directly.


Drum Machine 🥁📻

Lets Rock!!!


  • Two Banks of sounds.
  • keyboard and mouse.
  • Responsive.

25 + 5 Clock ⏲

Just in time, basically a timer


  • Session and break.
  • Max session 60min.
  • Responsive.

Source Code For All Challenges