SMS Marketing

Text Message Marketing

What exactly is SMS Marketing? Text Message Marketing is a technique that makes use of permission-based SMS messages sent to consumers to deliver promotional or advertisement content to them. Unlike some other digital communication channels, text message marketing requires mobile users to intentionally opt-in in order to receive promotional messages from companies. This feature helps boost brand awareness for companies but it also has the potential of turning off prospective customers In order for a company to engage users and increase retention rates, it must contain persuasive messages. SMS marketing does not have to revolve around images or videos; there are plenty of ways to engage a user and get through to them. For instance, a company could use a series of text messages geared towards new customers to introduce itself. It could then proceed to develop a relationship by sending out more messages at prearranged intervals until such time as the customer buys something. While this may seem straightforward in theory, a number of factors must be taken into account before proceeding. The most obvious thing to consider is budget. The size of a company's marketing budget will dictate how effectively it can be implemented, as well as the quality of its campaign. SMS campaigns must be carefully planned to meet budget constraints. Moreover, a number of digital marketing resources are available which may help a company come up with a cost effective SMS campaign. Another thing to consider is the recipient's mobile phone usage habits. A company that intends to implement SMS marketing campaigns should know who the target audience is and how it is going to reach out to them. Most people opt-in for marketing campaigns via SMS because they believe it is an easy and effective way to do so. However, for those who want to keep things low-cost, text message marketing can be quite effective. Lastly, marketers should carefully think about how opt-ins will work with respect to their loyalty programs. Many businesses offer loyalty rewards to their customers in the form of free gifts or discounts on various goods or services. Text messaging a customer's confirmation of their opt-in in message can encourage them to reciprocate, thereby maximizing digital marketing potential. Digital marketing allows companies to send their text message marketing campaigns at very low open rates. This means that there is no need to pay additional expenses on advertising. A company only has to spend money if there are actual sales made. However, the success of a campaign depends on how accurately the marketer forecasts its conversion rate. For better accuracy, a digital marketing agency can be hired to handle the campaign.