aka expiratory central airway collapse.
Often comorbid COPD, GERD/LPR, autoimmune/RP. ICS postulated to be causal in some cases.
Presentation: nonspecific - 'seal-bark like cough', impaired secretion clearance.
PFT may be obstructive (45%), restrictive (20%) or normal (20%)
Excessive (or expiratory) dynamic airway collapse of the posterior membrane (EDAC)
normal = 50 +/- 20% luminal collapse on forced expiration. 70+% is excessive
Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM)
abnormal movement of cartilagenous wall (anterior). Can be cartilagenous (splaying at the end of the tracheal cartilage) or circumfrential (e.g. in relapsing polychondritis)