Brian Locke
Brian Locke P/CCM Notes
- Causal Inference Strategies with Regression ModelingConditional Independence: - If decision to treat is conditionally independent of the pote...
- Generalized Linear ModelsLinear regression is the only one where variance is independent from the mean --> thus, we don't rely on residuals...
- Survival AnalysisAKA Event history analysis, time-to-event analysis Why needed? Relative risks (the ratio of the cumulative incidences in each...
- Logistic RegressionLogistic regression visual explainer: Statquest series: https://statques...
- Linear Regressionvisual explainer: Used to model continuous outcomes (e.g. ...
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysesNarrative review: not structured but on 1 topic Subset: SR: identifies all relevant studies, synthesizes ...
- Obstetrical Critical CareAirways - 8x higher failure rate (13x fatal) -> generally anesthesia does airway Decreased FRC. Differences: He...
- Critical Care EchoPhysics Parameters controlled by settings on the machine power output (higher = higher amplitude reflected signals. Li...
- Missing DataTypes of Missing completely at random (MCAR): data is missing unrelated to any characteristic of the subject or ...
- Cardiogenic shockCategorizing shock: alt Preschock normotensive Hypoperfusion Preshock hypotensive normoperfusion LV-dominant RV-dom...
- Statistical Rethinking NotesBayesian Data Analysis Note: Bayesian data analysis not not necessarily defined by the use of Bayes' theorem (...
- HyperbaricsHBO2 = 60 or so centers in US that are able to do critical care hyperbaric medicine. (800-900 centers can do hyperbari...
- Grant Proposals"PHS 398" -> google gives DHHS instructions (sometimes updated) Examples: NIH reporter website shows funded grants. - https://r...
- IndexOrganization of notes: PCCM Procedures Evidence Based Medicine EBM Medical Education
- Bayesian Trial DesignsPrior: distribution of our beliefs about a parameter of interest before doing the study. More informative (meaning, you a...
- Biomedical DataAll data: has primary purpose (why it was collected) and may have secondary use (e.g. research in EMR data). It is important to...
- Clinical trialsFundamental logic: randomized controlled trials estimate the average treatment effect for a population under study, not for ...
- Confounding and its controlDefinitions: Must be related to the likelihood of exposure - either directly or through association with somethi...
- Disease Detection and ScreeningPrediction / Diagnosis Approach Something can be predictive (through strong association) but not causal (mea...
- Effect ModificationEffect of one risk factor on the outcome changes in the presence of another risk factor Aka interaction, effect measure mod...