Brian Locke
Brian Locke P/CCM Notes
- Shock and ResuscitationA good reference for this: the Guyton model
- Sleep Disordered BreathingCPAP invented in 1980 (prior to that, OSA treated with tracheostomy) Note: symptoms... Sleepiness = a nap is restful...
- ToxicologyInitial hx: what/when ingested, how much medical history and prescription meds they have access to (meaning, people cohabitatin...
- TracheostomyTerms Technically: Tracheotomy: actual procedure of opening the trachea. : suturing an opening to create a ...
- vasopressorsVenous vasoconstriction = most important. Less important to increase SVR -NE: less splachnic/myocardial ischemia than epi. less d...
- Ventilator ManagementHistory Invention of Ventilation: Vesalius in 16th century (animals). Then, iron long. Modern positive pressure ventil...
- Ventilatory failureConsider, how is it possible to have ventilatory respiratory failure without a high CO2 Increased carbon dioxide production...
- VTEConsiderations around initial anticoagulant and monitoring : Massive PE: If a pat...
- Weaning and ExtubationWeaning =decreasing the amount of ventilator support Approximately 26% to 39% of patients experience difficulty wean...