Brian Locke
Brian Locke P/CCM Notes
- AKI in the ICUEstimating GFR All commonly used equations for estimating GFR in the ICU are unacceptably precise and biased toward overesti...
- Anaphylaxis and AngioedemaAngioedema alt Dermal, SQ, mucosal swelling - non pitting. vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. 24-...
- Antibiotic StewardshipDo not renally adjust first dose of antibiotics (pharmacokinetics of first dose: concentration in blood is a result of vo...
- ARDSIn Salt Lake City (correction for atmospheric pressure - based on intermountain group work): severe P/F < 85 moderate 85 < P...
- Arterial LineContraindications and complications Vascular injury? Indication arterial BP readings (note: central = axillary, fem are ...
- Aspiration and DysphagiaAspiration Per Barb - conceptualize as amount aspirated vs clearance rate (as apposed to binary). Also, lung microbi...
- AsthmaGINA EPR3 ATS/ERS management of severe asthma NEJM 2017 Severe and Difficult to treat asthma Definitions Atopy: predispositio...
- Atrial FibrillationIn the ICU: Pathogenesis: 1. Arrythmogenic substrate and 2. trigger (e.g. electrolytes, PANS/SANS activation). Without the...
- Basic Ventilator Chalk TalkPatient Scenario: Blurb 1 Respiratory Failure: The pulmonary system has two primary roles, each of which ca...
- BMP MasterclassLearning goals: rebuild an understanding of electrolyte balance from the clinical application to the scientific / physiolo...
- Breath Hold DivingImmersion: body surrounded by water; exposed to external hydrostatic pressure. increases inspiratory effort (static load),...
- BronchiectasisPresentation: think of nonsmoker with COPD, hemoptysis NOTE: MAC (some debate if it's a chicken or egg came first) Unknown why ...
- BronchoscopyBronchoalveolar lavage for pneumonia in immunocompromised patients In hematopoietic s...
- Central venous cathetersContraindications In elective placement: ?INR 2.5, Plt 40 -> consider products. (Consider other reasons for platel...
- Chest tubesindications: Pneumothorax if (ventilated, tension, persistent/recurrent, secondary large + 50y/o) Penetrating chest trauma ...
- Cirrhosis in the ICUCoagulopathy Are patients with cirrhosis who have an increased INR at decreased risk of clot? No Patients with c...
- Constrictive Bronchiolitis Pathology Membranous bronchioles develop mural smooth muscle...
- Control of VentilationSource: DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00048514 3 components: central medullary rhythm/pattern generator and integrator (b...
- COPDInhalers Triple Inhalers No increase in exacerbation risk for patients stable on triple inhalers (who do not have asthma or eo...
- CPETRef: DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c110048 Indications: - Mechanisms of residual DOE: