Brian Locke
Brian Locke P/CCM Notes
- Epistemology of Clinical Investigation and EBMLogic Fundamental error in basing clinical practice on experience: Post hoc propter hoc: afte...
- Ethics of Clinical ResearchResearch Misconduct OSTP 2000 definition of research misconduct: Falsification, Fabrication, or plagiarism (FFP...
- Heterogeneity of Treatment Effect[ ] combine with effect modification page? BMJ 2018;364:k4245. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k4245 A fundamental problem ...
- Mediation AnalysesEditorial on reporting guidelines from Equator network: ...
- Multivariable AnalysisNote: Regression analysis = fancy ways of finding averages; fancy ways of drawing lines. Multivariable = more than 1 pre...
- Natural Experiments and Quasi ExperimentsJCI Series: Paper 1: intro -Quasi-experiments: natural scenarios where the treatment received is "as-...
- Observational Study DesignsAka Epidemiologic study designs (and descriptive ones) Case Control Beware, there are 'case-control' designs to...
- Operater Characteristics and Testing Users GuideFundamental teaching point: all diagnostic tasks are not created equal: some are harder tha...
- StatisticsNumber of decimals to report: match the original precision of the data. E.g, if age is collected as an integer, descriptive statistic...
- Trial AppraisalsACTT-1: Remesevir for COVID-19 RECOVERY: Dexamethasone for COVID-19 ACTT-1 Background/Context: Compassionate use paper may...
- RECOVERY TRIALTocilizumab Article Title “Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): preliminary results o...
- Procedure IndexIntubation Central Venous Catheters Arterial Line Thoracentesis Chest Tube Paracentesis Lumbar Puncture I&D Bronchoscopy...
- Pulmonary Medicine IndexPulmonary Mechanics
- Medical EducationCore IM Episode Diagnostic reasoning...
- Acute PancreatitisSource: JAMA alt alt alt
- Acid BaseApproach Acidemia vs Alkalemia Calculate anion gap: Na - (HCO+Cl) Calculate the change in Anion Gap: AG - 12 Calculate the de...
- ACLSShockable Rhythms Non-shockable rhythms Littman Approach: Narrow (<0.12) vs Wide (0.12+) QRS Narrow: mechanical problems (RV infl...
- ACSLearning goals: Be able to define Terms Understand two major paradigm shifts in labeling regarding how we identify heart tissue t...
- Air PollutionSvante Arrhenius - 1896: CO2 content of the air influences the temperature of the atmosphere. Mary Rice Slides alt alt alt Wildf...
- Alcohol WithdrawalWho's at risk? PAWSS score - Reasons to go to an ICU...