Brian Locke

Sedation and analgesia in the ICU

Analgesia, Amnesia, and NM blockade


  • Fentanyl analgosedation (monotherapy) - estimated to be sufficient in 50% of ICU patients (source?)

  • dexmetodomidine - less delirium

  • propfol - fast on/off

  • ketamine


Analgesia first modality


  • ABCDEF bundle

Neuromuscular Blockade

Ciastricurium: degraded by Hoffman elimination = predictable even in hepatic and renal failure. Thus, preferred.


Train of 4 = measures neuromuscular blockade by summarizing how many receptors are blocked. Gives pulses through a nerve and 2 Hz and sees how many are conducted

  • 4 twitches = 75% or less
  • 3 twitches = 85% or less
  • 2 twitches = 95% or less
  • 1 twitch = 99% or less
  • 0 twitch = 100% blocked.

BIS monitoring: uses machine learning algorithm to infer from EEG tracing what level of sedation the patient is at. Note: sedatives (e.g. opiates) will interfere with this.

  • 100 = normal
  • <60 = amnesia
  • 0 = coma