Articles by Sergio XalambrÃ
A web developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I work at Daffy as a Web Developer.
- Use NProgress in a Remix appRemix's philosophy is to kill all the spinner! This is amazing, but sometimes it's not possible. Connections may be...
- Result Objects in TSWhen working with async code, one important thing we need to do is to handler errors, in TS (and JS) we typically use try/c...
- Dark Mode and Dark ContextMost of the time, there is two way to implement dark mode support in an application. Using media queries with `pre...
- Use Fathom with RemixIf you want to use Fathom for your analytics and use Remix to build your app, you can configure it to work quite quickly. ...
- Fix `gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!` errorFix gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected! error If you have this error, and you running xcode-select --install tells you you have them inst...
- Use Dependabot to keep Remix up-to-dateIf you use Dependabot to keep your project dependencies up-to-date, and if you use Remix you may have no...
- Automatic Revalidation in RemixIf you have used SWR or React Query, you may be used to a feature both libraries have called automatic revalidat...
- Creating a PDF with React in the BrowserIf you need to generate a PDF for your users, maybe some reports or a document you want users to be abl...
- Sending data from layout to leaf routes in RemixHey! This is outdated, Remix Outlet component now supports sending data to leaf routes using ...
- Using Service Workers with RemixA Remix app is by default fast, the framework optimize a lot how the required resources for a page are loaded s...
- Localizing Remix apps with i18nextThere's a lot if libraries to implement i18n in JS and React, and i18next is one of the most popular out ther...
- Adding CSRF protection to RemixWhile you may not need CSRF if your cookies have the SameSite: Lax configured, it may still be a good idea to ...
- Load only the data you need in RemixIf you are used to build SPA and your APIs are REST you probably have found the issue with over fetching, t...
- Server-Side authentication with Auth0 in RemixWhile this works, I recommend you to don't do all of this yourself, instead use Remix Auth with...
- Using TailwindCSS with RemixLet's see how to do the setup of TailwindCSS for a project using Remix. Install Tailwind The first thing we ne...
- Use ETags in RemixETags are strings used to identify a particular version of a resource. If the URL is the identity of a resource the ETag is t...
- Jest Matchers for Remix responsesWhen testing the logic of an action in Remix, or any function returning a Response, even a Fetch API Response,...
- Using Form Objects inside Remix actionsIn Remix, each route can export a single action function used to handle any non GET request received b...
- Route protection in Remix with PoliciesA Policy is a design pattern used to define authorization rules that can be re-used easily across an app...
- Redirect to the original URL inside a Remix actionLet's say the user is currently at the URL /:username, and there's a button to follow that ...