Articles by Sergio Xalambrí
A web developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I work at Daffy as a Web Developer.
- Qué son y cómo funcionan las promesas en JavaScripttitle: date: 2017-03-06T00:00:00.000Z description: >- Manejar flujos de datos asíncronos ...
- Usando ECMAScript 6 en tus tareas de Gulptitle: date: 2015-06-09T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es canonical_url: >-
- Usando ECMAScript 6/2015 con Babeltitle: date: 2015-06-09T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es canonical_url: >-
- Report Web Vitals in Next.jstitle: description: Measure the performance of our Next.js application with Web Vitals date: 2020-05-11T17:49:13.6...
- Buenas prácticas del desarrollo FrontEndtitle: date: 2015-06-08T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es canonical_url: >-
- Using Immer with SWR to mutate datatitle: published: true description: Use Immer to make optimistic UI updates with SWR easier to follow tags:...
- Compilando el Frontend con webpacktitle: date: 2015-09-28T00:10:28.270Z published: true lang: es canonical_url: '
- Aplicaciones web con Zero Servertitle: description: >- Introducción a Zero Server, el framework de desarrollo web con cero configuración. ...
- El módulo Flexbox de CSS3title: date: 2013-12-15T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es tags: Cristalab path: cristalab/el-modulo-flexbox-de-c...
- Implementando un Servidor de GraphQLtitle: date: 2017-07-07T15:42:42.778Z description: >- Explicación paso a paso de como implementar un ser...
- Uso de módulos en JavaScript con ECMAScript 6title: date: 2014-11-07T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es tags: 'Cristalab, JavaScript' path...
- Mezclando flujos síncronos y asíncronos usando promesas en JavaScripttitle: date: 2017-06-23T22:39:48.419Z description: >- Manejar flujos de...
- How I Organize React Applicationstitle: description: >- There are many ways to organize a React application, with the years this the the o...
- How to keep updated with the JavaScript ecosystem?title: date: 2017-08-06T17:26:03.721Z description: >- How to keep updated is a common ques...
- What Type of States Could You Find in a Client-Side Application?title: description: >- Client-Side Applications could have different types o...
- Feature Flags in React with Flaggedtitle: description: Use Flagged to detect Feature Flags and render or not a React component date: 2019-10-2...
- Tipos de datos en Reacttitle: date: 2019-02-26T16:14:01.492Z description: >- Hay varias formas de definir que tipos de datos recibe un compo...
- Use SWR with Geolocationtitle: description: >- Learn how to use SWR with the Geolocation WebAPI to show the user location in a map and kee...
- Use React.Suspense to wait for an image to loadtitle: description: Learn how to use React.Suspense to handle the loading state of an image. da...
- Career Titles and Levels in Techtitle: date: 2019-04-09T21:25:19.912Z description: >- List of possible career paths, titles and level you co...