Articles by Sergio Xalambrí
A web developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I work at Daffy as a Web Developer.
- Scalable Real-Time Applicationstitle: date: 2019-01-11T05:52:01.715Z description: Tips and recommendations to build real-time applications usi...
- Presentando Contentztitle: description: >- Contentz, un Pure Static Site Generator para obtener un sitio web super optimizado. date: 2019-...
- Internacionalización con React.js y FormatJStitle: description: >- Guía de como usar FormatJS para internacionalizar aplicaciones hechas con...
- Combinando React.js y Redux.jstitle: date: 2016-03-28T07:18:42.542Z description: >- Redux es especialmente bueno al usarlo con librerías com...
- Conceptos básicos de JS: Arraymaptitle: 'Conceptos básicos de JS: Array#map' date: 2019-02-07T05:44:51.745Z description: >- Aprende a usar Array#map, como se implementa a man...
- Using Tailwind with Next.jstitle: description: Learn how to use Tailwind in a Next.js application. date: 2019-12-26T20:19:09.388Z published: t...
- Cómo usar la etiqueta template en HTML5title: date: 2015-01-04T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es tags: Cristalab path: cristalab/como-usa...
- Introducción a ECMAScript 2016/7title: date: 2015-09-25T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es canonical_url: >-
- Como organizo mis aplicaciones de Reacttitle: description: >- Hay muchas formas de organizar aplicaciones de React, con los años esta es la ...
- Introduction to React with the State & Effects hookstitle: Introduction to React with the State & Effects hooks description: >- Learn how to start a React project, create your first component a...
- Conceptos básicos de JS: Arrayfiltertitle: 'Conceptos básicos de JS: Array#filter' date: 2019-02-08T17:36:16.380Z description: >- Aprende a usar Array#filter, como se implementa...
- Cómo crear y publicar un módulo para npmtitle: description: >- Aprende como crear un módulo y publicarlo a npm configurando Prettier, ESLint...
- Using Paginated Data with SWRtitle: description: Learn how to use SWR to build an infinite scrolled paginated data. date: 2019-11-20T14:30:36....
- Definiendo conceptos - Closure y Scope en JavaScripttitle: date: 2014-07-31T00:19:09.428Z canonical_url: '
- Mi experiencia como estudiante de los cursos de Platzititle: date: 2015-09-10T00:00:00.000Z published: true lang: es canonical_url: >- https...
- Aplicaciones Real-Time de Alta Escalatitle: date: 2019-01-06T07:20:33.596Z description: >- Consejos y recomendaciones para construir aplicac...
- Sync WebApp Session Status between Tabs with SWRtitle: description: >- Implement a synced session status using SWR to keep the user logged i...
- Automatización con Shell Scriptstitle: date: 2019-02-23T04:41:48.576Z description: >- Aprende a usar Shell Scripts para automatizar tareas, ...
- Build an Optimistic UI in React using SWR with useMutationtitle: description: >- Use the useMutation hook together with SWR to implement opt...
- Working with Forms in React without librariestitle: description: >- Learn how to work with forms and form elements in React without using an...